Comirit: Commonsense Intelligence and Reasoning through Integrative Technologies
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While the Comirit Project remains in early days, we are pleased to make available several research papers on Comirit and its underlying architecture.

Additional publications covering more diverse (but related) matters, may be found on Benjamin Johnston's homepage.


Paper: Practical Artificial Commonsense
Type: PhD Dissertation; University of Technology, Sydney
Download: PDF Format

This document provides a comprehensive discussion, explanation and evaluation of the Comirit architecture.

Simulation Technology

Paper: A Generic Framework for Approximate Simulation in Commonsense Reasoning Systems
Conference: The Eighth International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning
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This paper presents the principal simulation technology used within the Comirit project and is a key reference for understanding the deductive capabilities of a Comirit system.

Integrative Architecture

Paper: Comirit: Commonsense Reasoning by Integrating Simulation and Logic
Conference: The First Conference on Artificial General Intelligence
Download: PDF Format

This paper presents the integrative architecture used within the Comirit project; explaining how the simulation technology can be integrated with logical deduction (and potentially a large range of other deductive methods).

Learning Capabilities

Paper: Autonomous Learning of Commonsense Simulations
Conference: The Ninth International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning
Download: PDF Format

This paper explains how the integrative architecture can be extended to support machine learning capabilities, and how learning can be used by a robot or software agent to automatically construct simulations from its experiences.



Comirit 2007